Five Tips for Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

It’s essential to prioritize the upkeep of your HVAC system in your home. With summer quickly approaching, now is the ideal time to examine your AC, which may have been inactive throughout the winter. By getting air conditioning service in Bakersfield before the season begins, you can prevent the typical issues that arise with air conditioners.

Tips for Maintaining Your Air Conditioner During Summer

Here are some simple maintenance tips that can be used to ensure that your air conditioner runs smoothly and avoid expensive repairs:

Clean the Outside Unit

The condenser is accountable for delivering fresh air while eliminating the old air inside. It is located outside your home and is likely to get dirty, requiring frequent air conditioning service in Taft. Therefore, an essential part of maintenance is to ensure that your outdoor unit is clean. 

You will need basic tools like wrenches and screwdrivers to open the cage of the condenser fan. Take off the grill to get access to the inside of the condenser. Use a brush to remove the debris and a coil cleaning agent to clean the condenser coils. 

Clean or Replace the Air Filters

Changing your filter will significantly increase the efficiency of your air conditioner and decrease the possibility of frequent AC repair in Shafter, CA, and can help you save money on energy bills. Some filters are reusable, and you can wash them using mild soap and water. Let the air filter dry before returning it to the air conditioning unit. 

Straighten and Clean the AC Fins

Air conditioners comprise a collection of aluminum sheets called fins. Fins that are bent can hinder the flow of air. Gunk can build up inside them, so the fins need to be cleaned regularly. A bristle brush and some soapy water are usually all you need. However, make sure to use a gentle stroke to avoid causing damage and requiring AC repair in Shafter, CA.

Check the Ductwork Regularly

If the ductwork in your home is damaged or blocked, it could lead to the air conditioner unit not cooling your home efficiently. If you notice any issues, call for an air conditioning service in Taft to have the ducts inspected. The ductwork should not have holes, seams, or connections, must be sealed tight, and should be properly insulated and in functioning order.

Take a thorough walk through the living areas of your home, and ensure there’s nothing blocking vents or registers. 

Properly Insulated Windows and Doors

Your AC system lasts longer when you aren’t over-working it. Install weather stripping on your windows to help make your home less energy-intensive. It will allow you to maintain an indoor temperature that is cooler for longer, and you’ll be able to have your AC switch off less frequently.

Bottom Line,

The most vital step in keeping your home cool throughout the summer is keeping the air conditioner maintained by a professional twice a year. Check out the maintenance plans offered by Greer’s Banner Air of Bakersfield, Inc. to obtain professional, affordable, complete preventative maintenance. Call us today to schedule an appointment for an air conditioning service in Bakersfield.

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