8 Furnace Safety Tips For The Winter

With winter approaching, it is necessary to perform a quick tune-up service for your furnace, by one of our professionals. It is also necessary to maintain in mind some safety tips for the system’s effective functioning.

The Eight Most Essential Furnace Safety Tips For Winter

Make Sure To Schedule Annual Maintenance

To avoid repairs or replacement, your furnace units need annual inspections and tune-ups. Ideally, you should do the furnace maintenance service in the fall before winter arrives.

Schedule furnace maintenance annually with Banner Air’s, a heating repair in Bakersfield to provide professional service. An inspection of your whole system will take place during the tune-up to check for problems such as cracked heat exchangers, venting issues, or inefficient burners that may put your system at risk.

Replace The Furnace Filter Regularly

As the dirt and debris build up on the furnace filter over time, the air cannot circulate throughout the home properly. Your home’s air quality improves when you keep the air filters clean.

A clogged filter causes your HVAC system to work harder; this may eventually lead to repairs and, in some cases, total replacement. You can also reduce your heating bills and improve your furnace’s energy efficiency by changing your furnace filter regularly.

Make Sure The Area Around The Furnace Cabinet Is Clear

A furnace is often installed in a room where household items are stored. Heat or sparks from these items can pose a fire hazard if placed too close to furnace cabinets. Keeping the area around the furnace clear for at least a foot.

Keep Carbon Monoxide Detectors Up-To-Date

Carbon monoxide detectors are installed in the home if natural gas is used in any capacity. If CO levels rise, these detectors will alert you and your family to the danger. Since these devices aren’t designed to last forever, it’s recommended that you replace them every six years.

Extension Cords Should Not Be Used

When using an electric furnace or heating system, make sure that there is a 1:1 power outlet to the furnace. You should not use the same outlet to power more than one heating device.

Strange Noises From The Unit

Do not ignore strange noises coming from your furnace. It could be caused by a broken blower wheel, which may cause risk sparks. Call Banner Air’s for furnace repair in Shafter when your furnace starts making noises. Tell us about the noise, so we can tell you if it’s safe to restart your heating.

Beware Of A Strange Or Unusual Odor

When you turn on your furnace for the first period of the season, all it should emit is a faint dusty smell. Pay attention to the strange odor from the unit. Your heat exchanger might emit a strange smell if it has cracked. Make sure your furnace is inspected by a professional.

Repairs Should Be Done By A Professional

It is not advisable to tackle HVAC repairs alone. A single mistake could cause CO buildup in your home. An expert should always handle repairs.

You can trust Banner Air’s technicians to inspect your system, identify the problem, and make the necessary repairs. Schedule a furnace repair service in Bakersfield today by calling (661)-322-5858.

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